1. First of all, it's your identity

Whether your business is big or small, whether it's your first venture or the hundredth one, you should give it an identity. An identity, which explains what your business is about, which explains the goal of your business that can be identified by the end customers.You have to spend a lot of time on this.Because, this is one of the stepping stones to reaching the success you have dreamt of for your business.
2. Choose Unique and Simple Name

If your business name is not unique, it will affect you in many ways throughout the journey of growth. By making it simple and unique, your customers can easily recognize and remember it. If your business is about a product or service which none have ever done in this world, then you can enter the market without much difficulty. But if there are other products or services which revolves around the idea of your business, having a unique name can help you can create your online presence without much difficulty.
3. Target your customers directly

Names have the power to make others identify what it is about. A business name can transferthe idea of what it is about just through the name. For example, if your business is about shopping, then you have to look for a name that calls out shopping to your end customer. But there are still other businesses that are aimed to give a familiar name. For example, the name “Apple” refers to fruit while Steve jobs put Apple Inc as their company name. Now more than Apple as a fruit, people remember Apple as a technological and product company. In that scenario, familiarity comes into play.
4. Company name and business name can be different
First of all, you have to understand the difference between the company name and the business name. The company name will end with Pvt or Inc, but the business name will be the one that you will be branding more. Company name and business can be the same or different. It's based on how you want your brand to keep up with the market. If you are a product company like Apple and you have multiple products like Mobile, Laptop, Desktop, and other electronics, then it is better you get another name for each like Apple did, MacBook for laptop, Mac for the desktops, iPhone for Mobiles, iPad for tablets, iPod for the portable music player.
5. Claim your domain

When you have decided on your business name, first register your domain. Yes, you have to do that as the world is ONLINE. Having your own business domain name, and email address will make your business more professional and your customers/prospects will takeyou more seriously. Also, having the domain name registered with a suitable website that calls out about your product or service will build credibility, increase brand awareness, google search engine indexing, and increase visibility. Your domain has a major role in SEO campaigns and increasing your rank in the online world. And what if you didn't get a perfect domain name or what if you are not fully satisfied with the domain name? Is there any other option for that?We will say that it's best if you get your own business domain name. So before finalizing the business name, check the domain availability too.
6. Add the business name anywhere and everywhere

Yes, increase your presence. Offline and Online. If you are a product company, do the brandings with the domain name. Make a website that tells about your product. If you want people to buy your product, create an e-commerce site. There are plenty of e-commerce platforms on google. You can also check Shopygo.com where you can create your own online store within minutes. Whether it's a product company or a service company, a website with a lot of information plays a major role in getting customers and showing the world that you are also in the business. Another thing to focus is Social Media. You have to get your own business account on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. to showcase and communicate continuously about the progress of your business. You have to put up marketing to grow your online presence and claim your customers.
7. Don’t use offensive words

As first said, it's your identity, your future, your dream and passion. And it only becomes valid when customers accept it. As everything is online now, regardless of whether your business is product based or service based, customer reactions depend on the look of your business online. Let's think about it, when you make your business name which makes others feel bad about, then how they look deeper into what your business is.
8. Non-Dictionary Words

Just one quick example: YouTube. There is not a word called YOUTUBE in any of the dictionaries. But it’s unique and simple. It will help you in the search engine optimization process. When a customer learns about your business, they will be keen in looking at what it does. So, by using words or by making up names which are not in the dictionary will make it more searchable, identifiable and unique to your customers.
9. Test Your Choices
Test the selected business names. Give yourself multiple choices. You have to consider many things. First you have to test the pronouncing and misspelling. Because not knowing how to pronounce the business name will give a bad reputation. For example: in how many ways can one pronounce Facebook? There is not much. Also, the words are so familiar that a person with average education can spell it correctly. What about the business name “Mitsubishi”? Well, check it yourself whether you can spell it correctly or you can read it with the correct pronunciation.
Well there are many other ways that you can test your business name. Check the blog for more information.
Creating a business name is nothing but a process
As said in the very first, it's a major stepping stone to the success of your business that you and your team have dreamt of. Take enough time. Think, discuss, search many times. It will only give you a good result. A good, familiar, unique, simple, memorable business name can show you the path of success at the initial phases of your growth also. So, give all your energy and choose a business name for your dream product or service with all the positivity that you have. Because your strength, your passion, your positivity, your perseverance will build your success.